Thursday 5 August 2010

The Ressurection of Nothingness Nick....

Well here I am again,
The guy with literally nothing to say...
Needless to say its been a while since we last spoke... Well... I typed and you read....
Anyyywayyy..... Heres a quick update of what happened since we last spoke
I started a band, I left the band, I went to rockschool thingamibob and joined 2 bands, I had several showers, I wrote several songs, and I wrote this blog.

I told you I had really nothing to say didn't i?
And now for an amusing yet slightly boring rant / anecdote..

Whilst walking through the streets of ponty with a guitar on my back, sometimes I am called upon by the indigenous humanoids call out, "GIVE US A TUNE EN BAHHT!", By the forty sixth time this gets a little tiresome so I gather all of my sarcasm and ponder a witty reply... All I could come up with was "Shut up or I'll kick you!" So you know that really wasn't the best of replies... After several more pathetic replies I had to give up, I simply replied "I don't play tunes... I play songs. *cough* Twat *cough*"
I dont know why this gets on my nerves, its like Liverpudlians or Ke$ha, It just does, makes me want to go all Chuck Norris on their ass and round house kick them to the face-
Unfortunately some of them are taller than me and I cannot reach that high-
But never the less! It just does...

Thank you for reading, expect to see some band plugging on here any time soon ^_^

Buh baii :D

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