Wednesday 7 October 2009


So yeah past couple of days been hectic,
No computer
Dewi George
Addicted to grapes
and five
unable to count.
So yeah i got a welsh test tomorrow and i'm not revising - how can i?
Dewi George insulted my opinion -
gahhh 10 o'clock at night cba to write

Wednesday 30 September 2009


Hello peeps,
How be you?
Im good.
Okay so yeah I'm starting blogging again -
Is that a hoorah i hear?
Oh wait no its just the wind :(
So yeah I dont know what to write in my blo so if you want post a comment to this blog saying your idea's about what i could do :D
So yeah I think maybe just a diary or some kinda thing like that would be good
Or maybe some kind of comedy blog
Okay so Ima start by introducing myself
My name is Nick (obv) and I'm 15 years of age.
5 things I like:
1. Guitar
2. Girls who play guitar
3. Games
4. Girls who like rock music
5. Rock music
5 things I hate.
1. Rap music
2. Youtube sellouts
3. Snakes
4. My crap amplifier
5. Being single :(
Okay so yeah reply to me with 5 things you love or hate and why you hate them :D
I dont know what else to write in this blog so
Nothingness Nick out

Quote of the day :-
Rap comes with a silent C at the beginning.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Better start...

New term...
New blog...
New Nick...
New music...

Nothingness Nick

The new fragrance from Lacoste
Coming to a blogspot near you ( AGAIN )
And better than ever.
Starting 30th of September 2009
Be there
Or be some where else

Friday 3 July 2009

Merry Friday

Hello peeps.

Another boring day today, 
so I'll just get the best bits and stick em all together for ya's
Okay I had music 3rd lesson with mon compan's, Burt, Drew, Callum and Axle.
Then we jammed at lunchtime, sounded quite good even if i do say so myself.
We played; Knocking on Heavens Door, Hotel California and a random song by Bob Marley.  
I think Burt is gonna record us playing some day, and put it on youtube, I'll post it here :D

So yeah highlights of today were they,
I enjoyed those bits.

That might be it for today

I shall see you all tomorrow

until then


Wednesday 1 July 2009


Heya again,

Today was fairly uneventful...
Woke up, again as usual...
On the bus, I was told by the bus driver that I should bring in my guitar more often,
this suprised me in two ways,
one it takes me aged to get on and off the bus so he probably would get angry at me for taking ages,
and the second is that he acctually spoke more english to me!
I was like :O :O :O he acctually said something else in english!!!
I thought if he wanted me to bring in my guitar more often it might sound more like this:
"Sit down eh? Shut upa yo face! Shut sit down yo face!?" or something.

Any ways...

In school my friend jumped against the door as a kid was poking his head through the door and then the kid said
"OH! You little shit! I coluld have been impaled on the doorframe! What the fuck did you do that for? I could have died! Implaed on a school door!"
Se explained to him that it would be had to be implaed on a door.
He took it badly.

So I got home and discovered the wonders of acoustic guitar! Its quite awesome.
I also found out how to make my guitar sound a bit more like Slipknot guitars.

So yeah...

For now peeps
Buh bai!

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Psychic Asda 2

Welcome back, so.. Where was I?
Ah yeah, after school, baked for a bit on the bus. Got home and went to bedroom to play guitar and learned a new song on guitar. After the rockness i went and had supper, I forget what it was. Then i thought about Blogging but thaught nahh cant be arsed.

Okay Tuesday....


Ima keep you in suspense...
Tomorrow I shall explain more :D

buh bye

Psychic Asda...

Hey again, Its Nick, obviously. 

Here's an update of my week so far:

I woke up, crawled out of bed at 6:30, had a shower and got dressed. Went down stairs and fell over my dog. Was at bus stop at 7:20, bus came at 7:45. My driver is always late. He's Italian too, he can only say a few lines in english; "Sit down!", "Get off'a mai bus!", "Sit at the front, eh?" and "Shut upa yo face!". Its quite amusing. 
 Then school, what can I say here? Just that it isn't enjoyable.
I don't really remember school so I cant say any good anecdotes here.
Im gonna finish it here for now, seeing as my sister wants to go on the computer. Bye for now. :D

I'll tell you why Psychic Asda in my next post :D

Sunday 28 June 2009

Teh wait what?

Okay, this is my first blog, ever, (Woop?) and I know bugger all about blogging, (You can probably tell by future posts :P). So here I shall probably talk about random things that happen inside my head and stuff that happens to me from day to day like a mini diary. So I should introduce myself to you, my name is Nick, I'm Welsh, I listen to rock and metal, I play an assortment of instruments, my eyes are blue, my hair is brown and my glasses are black. Now we've got that out of the way...

Okay this week has been just any normal week pur moi.
Monday.In school. Was rubbish. Went to bed was too tired.
Wednesday, I tried to get off school that morning, couldnt get myself to be sick. So i stuck my head under the pillow for another fifteen mins and hoped for the best. Went to school. Came home and collapsed on bed. My sister played on sims 2, I watched. After that I went to bed quite late seeing as i had no school the next day.
Thursday. Woke up some time. Played guitar, watched the most recent episode of robin hood, watched my sister play sims. Bed feels so much more comfy after boredom, am I right?
Friday. Played guitar in guitar club, Burt was on drums (He be very talented.) Drew was on guitar (Stamped on his foot to activate my wah wah. SCORE. :L) Calum was on second guitar. And I was on third guitar. We played Twelve bar blues but them my hand hurtededed so then we played knocking on heavens door to which I improvised in the E (Minor?) Pentatonic scale :) Boosha.
Saturday. Woke up at some time. Played guitar. Made up a riff for a song. Wrote rest of song and then forgot it. (Probably can still remember it but hey that takes effort.((Im a fat git btw)) :P)
Sunday. Discovered Blogging :O.
Well that was my boringness week.

Just discovered im not allowed to put exclamation marks in my blog. :O

Okay i might have a song for the week here now.
This weeks song is: "Sad sweetheart of the rodeo" by Harvey Danger

Okay then i better get back to my three week late geography homework. Pluh.
Bye bye then. For now.