Thursday 12 August 2010


So i haven't updated my blog in a while but i haven't had that much to say recently
so this is a forewarning of a blog which will blow your mind
or just make you laugh
or neither
just be prepared for it :D

Buh baii

Saturday 7 August 2010

The Jazz Fest

Today I went to a Jazz Festival, which was awesome...
I went to a guitar workshop and was told by the guy that he could hardly teach me anything which was a nice compliment. And, of course, I found plenty of things to moan about!

So it was raining and I was sitting under my umbrella just watching people go by with their lives and then this guy walks past and goes, "This is the kind of rain that breaks umbrella's"
What the heck?! If a bit of light rain breaks your umbrella's what kind of umbrella's are you buying?! Are umbrella's not designed to fend off the rain and not break when rain touches them? It was hardly even raining. I bet he buys those cheap ones from B&M that are like 5 pence that turn into dust when there's a slight breeze...

That was the first of two incidents that made me want to rant,
The other, I will save for a rainy day ^_^

Or when I run out of things to rant about... Which isnt going to happen anytime soon...

So I leave you with a little joke to lighten the mood of this blog

Wait I cant think of one....

How about..... Justin Bieber?

Well his life is so much of a fail its funny....

anyway thanks for reading
Buh Baii ^_^

Thursday 5 August 2010

The Ressurection of Nothingness Nick....

Well here I am again,
The guy with literally nothing to say...
Needless to say its been a while since we last spoke... Well... I typed and you read....
Anyyywayyy..... Heres a quick update of what happened since we last spoke
I started a band, I left the band, I went to rockschool thingamibob and joined 2 bands, I had several showers, I wrote several songs, and I wrote this blog.

I told you I had really nothing to say didn't i?
And now for an amusing yet slightly boring rant / anecdote..

Whilst walking through the streets of ponty with a guitar on my back, sometimes I am called upon by the indigenous humanoids call out, "GIVE US A TUNE EN BAHHT!", By the forty sixth time this gets a little tiresome so I gather all of my sarcasm and ponder a witty reply... All I could come up with was "Shut up or I'll kick you!" So you know that really wasn't the best of replies... After several more pathetic replies I had to give up, I simply replied "I don't play tunes... I play songs. *cough* Twat *cough*"
I dont know why this gets on my nerves, its like Liverpudlians or Ke$ha, It just does, makes me want to go all Chuck Norris on their ass and round house kick them to the face-
Unfortunately some of them are taller than me and I cannot reach that high-
But never the less! It just does...

Thank you for reading, expect to see some band plugging on here any time soon ^_^

Buh baii :D

Wednesday 7 October 2009


So yeah past couple of days been hectic,
No computer
Dewi George
Addicted to grapes
and five
unable to count.
So yeah i got a welsh test tomorrow and i'm not revising - how can i?
Dewi George insulted my opinion -
gahhh 10 o'clock at night cba to write

Wednesday 30 September 2009


Hello peeps,
How be you?
Im good.
Okay so yeah I'm starting blogging again -
Is that a hoorah i hear?
Oh wait no its just the wind :(
So yeah I dont know what to write in my blo so if you want post a comment to this blog saying your idea's about what i could do :D
So yeah I think maybe just a diary or some kinda thing like that would be good
Or maybe some kind of comedy blog
Okay so Ima start by introducing myself
My name is Nick (obv) and I'm 15 years of age.
5 things I like:
1. Guitar
2. Girls who play guitar
3. Games
4. Girls who like rock music
5. Rock music
5 things I hate.
1. Rap music
2. Youtube sellouts
3. Snakes
4. My crap amplifier
5. Being single :(
Okay so yeah reply to me with 5 things you love or hate and why you hate them :D
I dont know what else to write in this blog so
Nothingness Nick out

Quote of the day :-
Rap comes with a silent C at the beginning.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Better start...

New term...
New blog...
New Nick...
New music...

Nothingness Nick

The new fragrance from Lacoste
Coming to a blogspot near you ( AGAIN )
And better than ever.
Starting 30th of September 2009
Be there
Or be some where else

Friday 3 July 2009

Merry Friday

Hello peeps.

Another boring day today, 
so I'll just get the best bits and stick em all together for ya's
Okay I had music 3rd lesson with mon compan's, Burt, Drew, Callum and Axle.
Then we jammed at lunchtime, sounded quite good even if i do say so myself.
We played; Knocking on Heavens Door, Hotel California and a random song by Bob Marley.  
I think Burt is gonna record us playing some day, and put it on youtube, I'll post it here :D

So yeah highlights of today were they,
I enjoyed those bits.

That might be it for today

I shall see you all tomorrow

until then