Wednesday 30 September 2009


Hello peeps,
How be you?
Im good.
Okay so yeah I'm starting blogging again -
Is that a hoorah i hear?
Oh wait no its just the wind :(
So yeah I dont know what to write in my blo so if you want post a comment to this blog saying your idea's about what i could do :D
So yeah I think maybe just a diary or some kinda thing like that would be good
Or maybe some kind of comedy blog
Okay so Ima start by introducing myself
My name is Nick (obv) and I'm 15 years of age.
5 things I like:
1. Guitar
2. Girls who play guitar
3. Games
4. Girls who like rock music
5. Rock music
5 things I hate.
1. Rap music
2. Youtube sellouts
3. Snakes
4. My crap amplifier
5. Being single :(
Okay so yeah reply to me with 5 things you love or hate and why you hate them :D
I dont know what else to write in this blog so
Nothingness Nick out

Quote of the day :-
Rap comes with a silent C at the beginning.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Better start...

New term...
New blog...
New Nick...
New music...

Nothingness Nick

The new fragrance from Lacoste
Coming to a blogspot near you ( AGAIN )
And better than ever.
Starting 30th of September 2009
Be there
Or be some where else